Posts Tagged ‘Operating system’

Windows 8 Presentation

Windows 8 Presentation (Photo credit: Michael Kappel)

Microsoft is at it again.

As Windows 7 is seeing an uptake in the Enterprise space, with its “Built for Business” orientation, Microsoft rolls out Windows 8, with a user interface inspired by smart phones and tablets.

While it looks “friendly”, many long used features that business users depend on are missing, or obscured by a User Interface (UI) that tries to be all things to all users.

The problem is, if Windows 7 was “Built for Business”, Windows 8 looks more like it was designed to hold the hands of the computer-phobic, without giving the computer savvy a way out of the hand-holding structure.
Talking with other front-line user-support specialists, setting up Windows 8 is a drawn-out, time-consuming process, and many retailers are having issues, with machines that don’t successfully complete the setup becoming boat-anchors, because there is no technology available to wipe out user settings, for Windows 8, yet.

In my (oft overstated) opinion, Windows 8 is not yet ready for the business world, but may be just the thing to bring your computer-phobic relatives to the Internet.

Give it some time for Enterprise support tools, and the further growth of touch screen PCs, and it may become the heir to Windows 7’s business success.

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